"Great is Thy Faithfulness..."
In 1926, David and Sarah Pauls arrived in Canada, leaving their home in Alexandertal, Russia, for the freedom to practice their religious convictions in peace in the small town of Arnaud, MB. In this three-part story reflect on their journey, their legacy of faith, and God’s blessing and provision for their family.
In the main section, “The Life Story of David & Sara Pauls,” follow the journey of this young couple from Alexandertal to Arnaud. Between joy and loss, triumph and tribulations, God’s goodness is evident throughout. This was first written for the 1978 Pauls Reunion in Otterburn, MB by their grandchildren. It was based on first-hand accounts and interviews, gathered at the time through conversations with clan members. It has been revised for this Centennial Edition, with updated information about David and Sara Pauls’ children, and pictures of each of their own families.
The book also features two additional sections. The first is “The Trip to Canada, 1926,” which is a first-hand account, a retelling of struggle to leave Russia for North America in Sara Pauls’ own words (translated from German to English by Jake Pauls). There is also “The Time That Was,” a short narrative reflection on the Pauls Reunions of the 40s by Elfrieda Dick, originally published in the Mennonite Herald.
All net proceeds from this book go towards Grace Children Ministries and their home for orphans in Rwanda.