The Boys and Girls Club Okanagan (BGCO), through their Child Care Resource & Referral (CCRR) center, is organizing a free family story walk this Saturday at Mission Hill Park in Vernon, BC with Okanagan Publishing House.
The story walk, which runs from 9:30-11AM, features pages from the children’s book Elliot’s Pond that line an outdoor walk. Parents and their kids move down the path, stopping at each page to read. There will be hot chocolate offered by BYCO at the beginning of the walk. At the end of the walk the book’s author will be there with colouring sheets and bookmarks for the kids to take home with them. “It’s a great way for families to get outside and share an fun experience together,” says Okanagan Publishing House founder Jadon Dick, “We are grateful to BGCO and CCRR for organizing this opportunity.”

This free, family-oriented event features Vernon resident Michael Buffie. He is a local author who is using the power of story to impact kids’ lives - on and off the page. The story walk will feature his book Elliot’s Pond, recently released by Okanagan Publishing Company. The story, which follows the frog Elliot and his friends Ned, Bernard, and Florence, explores themes of friendship and acceptance. The major impetus for the book, shares the author, was “to instill in our kids that when someone looks or acts different than yourself, it’s not bad, or something to be scared of.”
The BGCO is a mainstay of the Okanagan community, working to ensure “all children and youth discover and achieve their dreams and grow up to be healthy, successful, and active participants in society.” The CCRR is a service for Families and Child Care Providers. They work with the North Okanagan communities “to promote quality, inclusive child care services that meet the needs of families and promote the healthy development of children.”
The author and publishing company have connected with BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, and partial proceeds from the book going directly to kids in need. BC Children’s Hospital, based in Vancouver, is the only hospital in the province devoted exclusively to the care of children, treating nearly 100,000 patients each year. For Michael Buffie, using his book to benefit the BC Children’s Hospital was an easy decision. “It is important to me because the staff there provide awesome care and support to our son, who has Type 1 Diabetes,” the author explains, “So many children benefit from the awesome care there, so I think it is a great organization to support.”
Elliot’s Pond is available for purchase at a number of local realtors, as well as online through To learn more about the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation and to donate please go to:

Okanagan Publishing House develops media inspired by the natural wonder of Okanagan region, its history, and its inhabitants. Since 2014 this Kelowna-based, independent publisher has released print and electronic books, enabling local authors and artists to share their work with the world. Okanagan Publishing House has a tangible impact on its community, partnering with a local charity for each release. Find more information about how Okanagan Publishing House is empowering our region’s creatives by visiting online at: